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Batterista e percussionista, Lorenzo Brilli comincia lo studio delle percussioni presso il Conservatorio F.Morlacchi di Perugia proseguendo poi la sua formazione presso la “Aaron Copland School of Music” di New YorkCUNY, sotto la guida di Michael Lipsey, Javier Diaz e Dennis Mackrel. Nel 2015 ha partecipato al Fara Music Festival dove ha vinto una borsa di studio per il prestigioso "Collective School of Music" di New York. Successivamente si è trasferito negli Stati Uniti dove ha vissuto fino al 2019 potendo così approfondire numerosi linguaggi musicali: percussioni gamelan, batà drumming, musica dʼimprovvisazione.
Ha avuto lʼopportunità di suonare con importanti musicisti sia nel mondo della classica che del jazz come: Massimo Morganti, Gabriele Mirabassi, Marco Pierobon, Vadim Brodsky, Allen Vizzutti, Javier Girotto, Ramberto Ciammarughi, Ares Tavolazzi, William Coleman, e di suonare in importanti rassegne e festival in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia: Bohemian National Hall (New York), Sion Festival (Svizzera), Centrum Paderewskiego (Polonia), Sea Cliff Chamber Music Series (Long Island, New York), Alternatilla Jazz Festival (Mallorca, Spagna), Goethe Institut (Bucarest), Umbria Jazz Festival, Winter Arts Music Festival (Sochi-Russia), Fazioli Showroom (Singapore).


Drummer and percussionist, Lorenzo Brilli started his studies in percussion at the F.Morlacchi Conservatory of Perugia and then continued his music education at the "Aaron Copland School of Music" in New York, CUNY, under the guidance of Michael Lipsey, Javier Diaz and Dennis Mackrel. In 2015, he participated at the Fara Music Festival where he won a scholarship for the prestigious "Collective School of Music" in New York. He later moved to the United States where he lived until 2019 being able to explore many musical languages: gamelan percussion, batà drumming, improvisational music.

He had the opportunity to play with renowned musicians in both the classical and jazz worlds such as: Massimo Morganti, Gabriele Mirabassi, Marco Pierobon, Vadim Brodsky, Allen Vizzutti, Javier Girotto, Ramberto Ciammarughi, William Coleman, and to play at important festivals in Europe, United States and Asia: Bohemian National Hall (New York), Sion Festival (Switzerland), Centrum Paderewskiego (Poland), Sea Cliff Chamber Music Series (Long Island, New York), Alternatilla Jazz Festival (Mallorca, Spain), Goethe Institut (Bucharest), Umbria Jazz Festival, Winter Arts Music Festival (Sochi-Russia), Fazioli Showroom (Singapore).




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